Our organization values the safety of all our players, coaches and team administrators. If inclement weather is forecasted and you are not staying for practice please be prepared to come back and pick your child up immediately.
Rain, Snow or Ice
Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) and Howard County Recreation and Parks (HCRP) determines whether fields will be playable. If fields are deemed unplayable, ALL practices are cancelled unless your coach/team has made alternative arrangements.
Please keep in mind that if HCPSS fields are closed it does not mean that HCRP fields are closed.
Thunder and Lightning
**If thunder/lightning can be heard and/or seen FIELDS MUST BE CLEARED IMMEDIATELY! In the event that either situation occurs, no practice/game will resume until 30 minutes AFTER the last sound of thunder and/or lightning has occurred. Once the ALL CLEAR is given practice/game may resume at coaches discretion. If your child will not return to practice/game after the ALL CLEAR, please inform your coach and team administrator before leaving.
Excessive Heat
The Columbia Ravens Football follows the policies of the Howard County Public Schools regarding weather cancellations due to excessive heat:
When the HEAT INDEX is 105 degrees Farenheit or above, regular practice may be delayed, discontinued or cancelled.
Under these conditions, shorten, restricted practices are permitted. Families should check the website for updates as well as emails from their respective teams regarding practice plans for that date. Some coaches may opt to move practices to an indoor location if facilities are available.
How to Check If There are Practices or Games
Below are five ways to check if there are practices or games. Recorded messages are updated after 4 PM M-F and after 7 AM Sat. & Sun.
- Columbia Ravens web site, every effort will be made to update the website prior to start of practice.
- Call HCPSS inclement weather line: 410-313-6630 or 410-313-6827
- Call the HCRP inclement weather line: 410-313-4453
- Call your coach/team administrator
- Register your phone or email address with Rained Out
Additional Information
Additional information on HCPSS and HCRP inclement weather procedures and policies