Why did the Columbia Ravens decide to start an Indoor program?

Indoor football was developed to give children the opportunity to play tackle football in a fun and safe environment during the spring season.  The goal was to allow players the chance to participate in the sport with his/her peers regardless of weight. We wanted to provide a another opportunity for children who are only interested in playing football as well as those children who wanted to play a spring sport as well as football.  The practice and game schedules for indoor football are far less intense than for the fall season.   Despite our successful past, we are still learning as we go and respectfully  request your ongoing patience and flexibility.

What is the difference between the Indoor season and the Fall/Outdoor Season?

Indoor football is less intense in terms of team size, number of practices, volunteer responsibilities than outdoor fall football.  However, indoor is played at a much faster paced. There are two 24-minute halves played in a game.  Each half is played with a running clock and each team is only given one timeout per half.  During the indoor season, the general emphasis is on playing football, not developing fundamental skills.  Players need not play for the Columbia Ravens in the fall to participate on our Indoor teams. You can be assured that your child’s safety and enjoyment are always our top priorities. The majority of our Indoor coaches also coach with the Ravens during the fall season.  All coaches, new or past, are interviewed each year and submitted to background checks before assigned to coach a specific team.

Is there going to be a parents meeting?

Yes.  A parent information meeting will planned for TBA.    You do not need to be registered to attend the parent information meeting!  

When is registration?

Registration opens on-line Wednesday January 12.We will also offer the following dates for Walk-up Registration.

Dates Time Location
TBA TBA Howard County Sports Center
TBA TBA Howard County Sports Center
TBA TBA Howard County Sports Center
TBA TBA Howard County Sports Center

When does registration end?

Officially registration closes on TBA, but individual teams and age groups may close out earlier.  The number of Ravens teams fielded will depend on the number of registered participants and the number of available coaches.  Due to the popularity of indoor football in our area, we cannot guarantee that slots on our teams will be available in late March or early April.  Indoor football has seen tremendous growth in recent years.  In the past the Ravens have registered over 200 players for its teams and expect even more this upcoming season.  It is highly suggested that you register early to insure your child’s spot.  Every year we have to close age groups early.

How do I register?

There are 3 ways to register.

  • Register Online at http://www.stonealley.com/Program/ColumbiaRavens please bring Consent and Waiver form and the signed medical form to one of the parent information meetings or you may mail them.  See parent information meeting question and address for the Columbia Ravens below.
  • Register by Mail. Download the registration form from this website, complete the form and mail with your check $140.00 (Includes $40.00 Refundable Fundraising deposit-Actual cost is Only $100.00), your player’s medical form, and the signed consent and waivers form to:

    Columbia Ravens Indoor Football
    P.O. Box 6413 
    Columbia, MD 21045
  • Register In person at the Howard County Sports Center, located at 6742 Dorsey Rd, Elkridge, MD 21075.

You will need to bring/provide:  

  • check for $140.00 (Including $40.00 refundable Fundraising Deposit) 
  • a Columbia Ravens medical form available for download under the forms section on the web site, signed by a physician with a physical exam dated within twelve (12) months of 3/13/2013
  • signed consent and waivers form.
  • equipment deposit check for $150

What fees and forms are required to participate?

Please note that these are not the same as fall participation requirements

The Cost is $140.00.

You may pay by cashier’s check/money order or credit card on-line a http://www.stonealley.com/Program/ColumbiaRavens.

There is a $40.00 refundable fundraising fee included in the total cost.

This fee may be recouped by the player.  All players will be provided $40.00 worth of gourmet candy which upon sale will reimburse the player for the $40 fund-raising fee.

All forms are available for download on this site under Forms.

Columbia Ravens Indoor Football Medical Form signed and dated by a physician. Or Columbia Ravens Tackle Football Medical Form signed and dated by a physician

If you played for us in the fall, your medical form was returned to you when you turned in equipment.

Questions concerning medical forms can be sent to registration@columbiaravens.com.

A signed copy of the Indoor Consent and Waivers document.

A MD MVA ID card.  

Please see the forms section on the web site for more information.  

This is the same card that is required for the fall season.

An equipment deposit check of $150.00 that will be collected at equipment hand-out.  This check will not be cashed and will be returned if all equipment is returned at the end of the season in reasonable condition. 

How are teams divided up?

Each team consists of 11 to 15 players.THERE IS NO WEIGHT RESTRICTION.  

Therefore, a 150 lb 12-year old will play on the field with a 75 lb 12-year old. There are no older but lighters (OBLs) during Indoor.

All teams are divided by age.  The team breakdown is as follows: 16U(nder),13U, 12U, 11U, 10U, 9U, and 8U.

You must be at least 6 years old by X  in order to play.

The number of teams fielded will depend on the number of participants and coaches.  Register early to insure your spot!

These are the Indoor league rules, we cannot make exceptions.

When and how long is practice?

Practice time will be at coaches’ discretion, but it will not exceed 1 hour per week.

Where will practice be held?

Practices will be held at:

7330 Montevideo Road
Jessup, MD 20794 (443-755-0014)

Soccerdome II
7447 Shipley Ave.
Harmans, MD 21077 (443)-891-2431

Practices may be held at other locations depending upon availability and coaches discretion.

How long are the games?

The game consists of two 24 minute halves with a running clock.  The game never exceeds more than an hour. There are only one 30 second timeout per half and halftime consists of 5 minutes. There are no tiebreakers during the regular season.

Where will the games be played?

Games will be played at various Soccer Dome Locations in Howard County, Anne Arundel County, Prince Georges County, Freestate Sports Arena in Baltimore County, Rockville Sport-Plex in Montgomery County, Carroll Indoor Sports Facility in Carroll County, Frederick Indoor Sports Facility in Frederick County.  

Indoor has grown to where it is now played all over the State.  

Our league is the National Youth Indoor Football League (NYIFL) and includes teams from Pennsylvania, New York and Delaware.

Are the games refereed?

There are 2 referees per game.  Many of these referees also officiate football games during the fall outdoor season.

I am interested in coaching but have never coached for the Ravens before. How do I sign up?

With the number of players interested this upcoming season, there will be a need for more coaches.  Any parent or coach who is passionate about football, interested in coaching a team and can give of themselves 2 hours per week (1 hour for practice and 1 hour for the game) should email columbiaravens@gmail.com.  

Canidates will be interviewed and required to complete a background screening before a coaching assignment is granted.   

What is the difference in an indoor game vs. an outdoor game?

The game is played 8-vs-8 with the line comprised of a minimum of 4 position with a center, two guards along with an eligible tight end.  The remaining four players are backs, receivers or quarterback.  Rules of play are available under the forms section at www.columbiaravens.com.

How long does the season last?

The season starts in mid-March with the first game scheduled for the beginning of April.  The season ends at the end of May/beginning of June.  A complete schedule will be available once all teams are registered and league play begins.  

I have other questions. Where do I go?

Questions concerning fees, paperwork, and other registration matters may be forwarded to Mary Adams at mary_adams@verizon.net.

Questions concerning coaching, placement, game rules, etc. should be directed to columbiaravens@gmail.com.

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